Yay. Finally seeing a few differences with my body.
although my weight hasn't changed much, I lost 2 inches off of my midsection.
my joints really don't ache when I wake up in the morning. No hobbling around for the first 20 minutes from ankle and knee pain.
I sleep better.
That's all so far. I am curious what my body fat percent will be when I check it again, but I do feel really good.
The changes I have made up to this point in my diet (aside from dropping out dairy and meat) are increasing veggies to every meal, adding a pea protein to my smoothies (I find it very hard to hit my protein goals without my smoothie), dropping all added sugar and dropping alcohol. Those last 2 alone would make me think that I would lose weight, but I have not. I am not tracking my calories too much.... mostly just my protein intake. I think I am eating more carbs than I was. But lots of water.
I have 2 more weeks before I measure again. :)